Sex and Socks



Before I fell asleep last night, I read a post by one of those totally erratic posters I love, who is equally inclined toward brilliance, immaturity, depth, fabulous prose and crap.


I have no idea what exact category this particular post fell into (probably a few, which is why I like him), but under the “big thinking” of this one was a line that stood out.


         “I’m naked except for socks and boxer shorts. I don’t even hear the TV anymore. 1

·         So now I have this vision of a man, who had just had sex, but was now fervently working in front of his computer in a just two items of clothing.  It wasn’t the boxers that stood out for me, lol. It was the socks. 

Now this invited a whole slew of questions!! 


Like what do you do after sex?  Do you keep your clothing on or put on some light item to protect yourself from the chill of the room?

Like, do you wear socks around the house? During Sex? After Sex?  

What else to you do after sex? Do you check your cell phone? Wash your junk, or loll in the bodily fluids?

Do you shut off all communication to the outside world or get right back to  the grind of the world?


FYI: I never wear socks, except when the season makes I necessary and I am out of the house wearing shoes or boots. I shut out the outside world during and after sex, I usually put off clothing for as long as possible (but I must sleep with undies and clothing on for some reason probably going back to my childhood), and I bothers me if someone gets up to wash after sex.    


1theprince ” Vile Arbitrage, or di un vile Arbitraggio,” Mar 22 2010.




12 thoughts on “Sex and Socks

  1. bluezenith

    I’m searching the recesses of my brain to remember and honestly think i better get laid soon so i can at least participate in the conversation.  the textbook part of my brain thinks sex with socks on surely must be pretty hot, if there isn’t time to take them off.  then again, i suppose this could be a lazy factor.  hmm? 🙂 

  2. leaflesstree

    Depends on the weather and the time of day. I think most times I just want to laze about after a sexual escapade. I might put socks on if I’m going to get up and do something on the computer, because my feet get cold easily. During sex, I think I would take them off, mostly because I think they kind of destroy the sexy look. I mean, imagine a really sexy individual in any gender, naked or wearing sexy undergarments. Now imagine them with socks. Doesn’t it just make you laugh?


    Actually, we used to have sex during the TV commercials. So we rushed right back to the TV set after doing it.I always get up afterward to wash up a bit. We put our PJ’s back on always. I have never just sit there after sex. When it is over it is over. lolWe did not set the world on fire. We just put out our small fire.blessingsfrank

  4. ThePrince

    lol. it’s funny because this was such a huge issue with my ex. i tend to leave my socks on for EVERYTHING. i could be naked during sex except for socks. i don’t know whyafterwards though, i like to put at least boxer shorts on. i just feel extremely vulnerable sleeping naked. it all goes back to when i was younger and my stupid friends busted in on me and this girl while we were playing “doctor”. it’s a paranoia issue for me. haha =D

  5. Days_likethis

    After a moment of passion from my side (Let’s have sex/No Im watchign tv/Well Im gonna ride you anyway) it is not unusual for him to want to keep his socks on. I think it’s disturbing.

  6. nyfemme

    @ThePrince –  that is funny……it was a detail you put in your story: a detail that omitted wouldn’t have hurt it one bit.  I don’t think your gf is alone in not liking socks on.    there is something “dorky” looking about a guy in socks  — doesn’t matter if they are the kind worn under suits that go up to the knee, white sports socks to the mid calf, or white sport socks crumpled to the ankle.   I don’t know why, because the same vision — say a girl with even just a little bit of clothing, or nothing — with a pair of socks on can look adorably cute…..  I really don’t know why. It just is.  For your next gf, get rid of the socks and raise the temp in the apt or have lots of deep warm rugs on the floor (ABC carpet has the BEST selection of amazingly beautiful rugs for “cheap” (relatively) in their clearance center, lol!awwe… playing story is just too bitter sweet  🙂  I think everyone has a “doctor” story.    Perhaps I’ll write a post.     Too bad the experience  left you with paranoia of penis discovery!  It’s unlikely  your stupid friends would catch you post-coitally decades later!   Our brains are so disfunctional sometimes — how an incident like that so many years ago can carve a little place in our gray matter that will forever be there and change our thinking and behavior….. @Days_likethis – you know…..I do no think you’re alone (see the prince’s comment above yours). And I have the same reaction. I would ALWAYS pull the socks off…..there is just something wrong about having sex with socks, lol!  I think it’s the “dork” factor (that means not looking cool or sexy….think the homer simpson )…..even george clooney would loose a lot of his sexiness with socks in bed!  . 

  7. xplr3r

    Socks on  of course!  and shoes and tie and everything on.  I couldn’t possibly get naked at the train station.  She said: (lifting her skirt) “Look what i’m wearing” and i was like .

  8. wretched_epiphany

    I ADORE socks.  I hate having my bare feet on the floor…one because my feet are ALWAYS cold, and two…because if your floor isn’t flawlessly clean…they  get dirty! (And with a two year old around..thats definitely not the case most of the time)So, since my feet are pretty much only naked when I shower…chances are im wearing them during sex. I never thought anything of it…until one night about 5 years ago…my “friend with  benefits” at the time…noticed I never shed my socks, and commented that he was glad I didn’t because he likes to keep socks on as well.  My husband is the opposite…if hes not wearing shoes he’s generally not wearing socks.  But, he doesn’t seem to be bothered by my socks, no matter how dorky ;)I do draw the line at if im wearing lingerie, obviously socks with a sexy nightie would be a total mood kill, far as cleaning up afterward, I like to try and have a towel handy….so we don’t have to go far, but can still clean up a bit if we need too.I always put at least underwear back on…sometimes ill grab one of his t shirts too. I generally like to relax for a bit, basking in the afterglow….then go have a smoke.  Then, we’ll either go to bed or go on about our day.  My FAVORITE is morning sex.  morning breath and everything.  I’ve never had sex first thing in the morning and had a bad day.

  9. RushmoreJ

    It depends but socks are never a part of the equation for me. My wife occasionally wears socks to bed on cold nights. Doesn’t bother me. When I was younger I would try to delay washing as long as possible so I could occasionally smell her juices on me but not so inclined anymore.  I’ll sleep naked after sex but with kids back in the house I tend to wear PJs. The only time I wear socks is in public places and usually I’m wearing a few other clothes.


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